Tuesday 6 April 2010

Manchester, I hid my soul in a biscuit tin

Manchester, I hid my soul in a biscuit tin

Manchester, I should’ve told you
That I’m allergic to cats
I hid my soul in a biscuit tin
And the biscuit tin
Lügen haben im Rotary-Club missbraucht

I am with manchester
legs sculpted from the Pennines
a face formed from factories
Eyes like searchlights
to large stadiums
and forgotten Morrissey B-sides
Her lip unfortunately tastes
like "Toxic”
By Britney Spears
I so wanted it to taste
Like “Girls just want to have fun”
By Cyndi Lauper
So I just do what I always do
I ran away
And left her in “The Venue” nightclub
Alone at midnight
I done the only thing I could do
I went for some fried chicken
At “Finger lickin’ chicken”
Her name was Debbie

We already had been out for dinner
But it was shit
and very expensive
Every moment of our relationship
Was a crushing disappointment

As I washed down southern fried chicken breast
With a glass of beer I thought about Marvin Gaye
A psychosexual freak like me
He used to pay prostitutes to fuck each other

as he watched
happy, pissed
and on speed.
He was pretty messed up.
I thought why Gaye didn’t make a baby
I thought about the ease at which reproduction happens,
In Poleglass or Salford
Heart against hearts
Babies spat out of vaginas
Muscular contractions in self-righteous vulvas all over the world

A ghetto baby every day
wedding rings, 14 carrat gold lies
Temporary amusement
Around your ring finger
I blame it on the fucking boogie
It’s fucking ‘boogie’s’fault
Stevie blamed it on the sun
But that’s like blaming the fall of humanity
On a frog
Yeah, I definitely blame it on "boogie"
The Jackson’s were right
I eat another lovelychicken breast and think about L.A.
The city that has destroyed more lives
Than Stalin.
Michael Jackson
Jon belushi, Marilyn Monroe and Joey from Friends.
Oh horrible world
Joey didn’t deserve such a weak spin-off sitcom.
Oh , horrible world.

Joey didn't deserve that


Dedicated to TOCOTRONIC, my favourite German Indie band.

*[Lügen haben im Rotary-Club missbraucht (German) = Lies abused in the Rotary Club (English)] - a nod to Tocotronic.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Another social commentary par excellence my friend, whizzer!!
